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SOS Message: Free Course! Nursing on the Frontlines of the Climate Crisis: Education for Action


Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 12:00pm ET - 1:00pm ET
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Climate Action & Nurses A series of Weekly Lectures starts from Oct 1 to December 2, 2024

Additional Information
Please consider enrolling with me in this FREE series of lectures on "Nursing on the Frontlines of Climate Crisis: Education for Action." The courses will be held every Tuesday for 1 hr sessions from, October 1 - December 3, 2024 from 12 -1:00 PM. Thank you!
Carol Lindsey, MSN, APRN, FAANP (Ret) USPHSC
Chair of the SOS Climate Action

Oct 1 - Climate Change for the Nursing Professional
Oct 8 - Vector-borne Disease
Oct 15 - Water-and Food Related Illness
Oct 22 - Extreme Weather: Hurricanes and Flooding
Oct 29 - Mental Health
Nov 5 - Heat Related Illness
Nov 12 - Degraded Air Quality and Wildfires
Nov 19 - Pollution: Soil. Water. Waste
Nov 26 - Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation, and Resilience
Dec 3 - Climate Change and Health Equity

All nursing professionals interested in climate change and health are welcome!

FNPN communities are addressing State of Science Issues for all members.  If you would liek to learn more about this community please reply to FNPN contact us:

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Additional Registration Information:

Visit the website! Lunch and Learn- Oct to Dec Tuesdays 12- 1 PM