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CE Broker is the official CE tracking system of the Florida Department of Health. You will never have to pay for a Basic Account. However, you do...

Posted 2 days ago by Jennifer Kuretski

FNPN is excited to announce our Region Director School Supply Drive. Supplies will support Mary Lee’s House in Tampa, Florida. Learn more about...

Posted 14 days ago by Jennifer Kuretski

Looking for a virtual presentation opportunity to share your expertise with Nurse Practitioners across the state of Florida? Submit your abstract...

Posted 20 days ago by Jennifer Kuretski

President Deb Tedesco welcomes all 2024 conference attendees and exhibitors to our President’s Networking Event on Friday August 23, 2024. Enjoy...

Posted 2 months ago by Jennifer Kuretski

As a special membership benefit in 2024, all FNPN members will receive free access to our Florida RN and APRN Mandatory CE Bundle on FNPN’s CE...

Posted 6 months ago by Jennifer Kuretski

Look who won the 2024 AANP State Award for Excellence- FNPN is very proud of you Ladies!

Posted 6 months ago by Regina Sanders | 13 comments

Dr. Loretta Ford envisioned a better health care system. Along with Dr. Henry Silver, she developed the first nurse practitioner (NP) program in...

Posted 12 months ago by Ana Paula Harwood

Join us as NSO representative Christie Susko presents Malpractice Lawsuits: Not just for Physicians Anymore

Posted about 14 hours ago by Regina Sanders

FNPN has three workshops that you can attend without attending the conference- click here for more information

Posted 3 days ago by Regina Sanders

Come join your mates for a "Pirating" good time at the FNPN PC Pirate Party. Click here for more information. *You can attend the Pirate Party and...

Posted 3 days ago by Regina Sanders