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DEA licensure information for Florida

Posted about 8 years ago by Regina Sanders

December 27, 2017

Dear Florida AANP members,

The turn of the last page of the 2016 calendar will remove a longtime practice barrier for NPs and PAs care in Florida. Are you ready?

January 1st, 2017 is the first day that APRNs and PAs practicing in Florida may apply for DEA registration to prescribe controlled substances. This authorization to prescribe for controlled medications, when appropriate, is a positive step for patient care in our state, and brings new responsibilities to nurse practitioners practice and licensure requirements. To assist you with navigating these new requirements, AANP has coordinated with entities in the state to help you get the facts and prepare.  Please check out the following links for details on how to register for a federal DEA license, parameters of practice, and requirements. 

The process may be expedited by doing online registration, rather than mailing in paper documents, but both options are available. If you hold a DEA number in another state, you can apply to add on for Florida after January 1st - Your DEA registration number is linked to each state license. Please read carefully the instructions on the DEA and BON websites for this may incur processing delay if an incomplete or early application. Important DEA and Prescribing Information Links:

1. DEA registration page  (Links for online and Mail-in Application)-Please no applications before 1/1/17. 2. Florida Hospital Association Summary for ARNP/PA C-Sub Prescribing (Nov 2016-updated) 3. New 2016 Guideline for Opioid Prescribing From the CDC 4. Florida Board of Nursing ARNP Information Page

Current Continuing Education for Controlled Substance Information Links:

Effective August 1, 2016, the Florida BON requirement requires three (3) continuing education hours of controlled substance education in each biennial license renewal. Content must include prescribing of controlled substances (including opioids, benzodiazepines and stimulants), prescription drug abuse and misuse, and best practices for clinical practice. There were live in-person CEs presentations but none found in my recent web searches. There are convenient online 24/7 hr. accessible educational formats available (from AANP Nurse Practitioner Organization members, FMA, and others) Check Florida CE Broker. Please note: The completion of this educational mandate is a Florida Board of Nursing license renewal requirement and is not a prerequisite to apply for a DEA number. ARNP license renewals are in three groups - The next renewal is for Group 3 due April 30, 2017 (renewal q odd year). (Group 1 is April 30th q even year, Group 2 is July 31th, q even year). 

Once you have your DEA number, some may choose to register with the Department of Health/BON as Controlled Substance Prescriber - but this is not for all who prescribe short term controlled substance therapy. It is very specific for those who patients you treat with long term prescriptions. Check with the BON or an attorney if you have specific questions.

Don’t forget!  AANP offers FREE continuing education benefits for added CE on prescribing and patient care. The current programs offered do not meet the specific Florida license requirements, but are excellent supplements. Check the CE programs available for:  Opioid PrescribingClinical C-Sub topics and a ADHD monograph by Florida NP,  Dr. Cindy Parsons with many more programs in the pipeline!

We look forward to seeing improved health outcomes for patients and their families in Florida.

Thank you for being our leaders in healthcare and making a difference in the lives of many.

Jean Aertker, DNP, ARNP-BC, FAANP                                                                                                        Region 11 Director