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Breaking News: HB 821 Passes Out of Final House Committee!

Posted about 5 years ago by Doreen Cassarino

HB 821 sponsored by Representative Cary Pigman was heard in and passed out of the Health & Humans Services Committee today.  This bill grants “independent practice” to APRNs and PAs who meet certain requirements. It will now head to the House floor.
The companion bill, SB 972 sponsored by Senator Brandes, has yet to be placed on the agenda for its first committee.  FNPN and our professional lobbyist, Allison Carvajal, are working with other stakeholders to move these bills forward.
Stay tuned for further breaking news and any requests for advocacy needs as the legislative session progresses.
Doreen Cassarino, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, BC-ADM, FAANP, FNAP
FNPN Legislative Vice President