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CALL FOR ABSTRACTS- Rapid Fire Presentations-Submission Date Extended

Posted about 5 years ago by Regina Sanders

Florida Nurse Practitioner Network 17th Annual Clinical Conference

"2020: The Year NP's Inspire, Innovate & Motivate

Orlando World Center Marriott

8701 World Center Drive

 Orlando, FL 32821


The 2020 Florida Nurse Practitioner Network Annual Conference (August 20-22, 2020) is pleased to announce the Call for Rapid Fire Podium Presentation and Poster Abstracts. We are seeking submissions from graduate or doctoral nursing students, or NPs engaged in research, clinical practice innovation, education or policy change. The abstracts should include an emphasis on innovations in practice, clinical pearls or clinical research related to advanced practice nursing in primary, specialty or acute care. Abstract selection will be based on quality, clarity and relevance to Advanced Nursing Practice.

  • Abstracts must be limited to 300 words or less.
  • In addition to abstract, contact information, three learning objectives, and a completed Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form will be required once you have been accepted.
  • If selected for Rapid Fire Presentation, you may have a maximum of 15 slides Presentations will be kept to 10 minutes, with an additional 3 minutes for questions and discussion.
  • If selected, there is a 50% discount for admission to the conference for the primary presenter only.
  • Presenters are responsible for their own travel and related expenses.
  • The abstract submission deadline is April 1st.
  • Notification of abstract acceptance will be May 1st or sooner.
  • Confirmation of acceptance by the primary author is required by June 1st or sooner.
  • All required documents and presentations are due no later than 60 days before the conference. If not received by this time, your presentation will be eliminated from the program.
  • A certificate acknowledging your presentation will only be provided after the end of the conference.

To submit abstract or for questions, please contact or send a submission to Dr. Susan Smith-


Please specify if you wish to have your abstract considered for Rapid Fire Podium Presentation, Poster Presentation or Both in the email containing the attachments as detailed below.

All components of the abstract must be typed and single-spaced. Font size should be no smaller than 12 point, Times New Roman or Arial. Submissions must be in Microsoft Word. We ask that you complete some documents with and without identity to have for blinded review.

  1. A complete abstract submission includes four separate components, saved as separate documents.

Please save these as your last name_first name_ document name (i.e. Bunny_Bugs_coverpage.doc). The required components include the following:

  1. Cover page (attached) b. Abstract (un-blinded) that includes authors and authors’ affiliations c. The abstract does not include authors and authors’ affiliations (blinded) d. Abbreviated CV (curriculum vitae) of the primary author and/or the planned presenter, if other than the primary author
  2. Cover page (attached) is to include the following:
  3. First name, last name, and credential(s) of primary author b. Primary author’s preferred contact information c. First name, last name, and credential(s) of all other authors. List each author on a separate line. Only include those who have had a significant contribution to the project. d. Signed Release Statement
  4. Abstract page (un-blinded) is to include the following:
  5. The TITLE, which should be brief and clearly indicates the nature of the presentation. It is centered at the top of the abstract and typed in CAPITAL LETTERS.
  6. First name, last name, and credential(s) of the primary author; co-author names and credentials.
  7. BODY/TEXT which is to be typed single-spaced and should be no more than 300 words. The abstract should not exceed one (1) page.
  8. The blinded abstract page is to include the following:
  9. TITLE should be brief and clearly indicate the nature of the presentation. It is centered at the top of the abstract and typed in CAPITAL LETTERS.
  10. The BODY/TEXT are to be typed single-spaced and should be no more than 300 words. The abstract should not exceed one (1) page.
  11. Remove all references to names and organizations within the body text that could identify the authors.
  12. Organize the BODY/TEXT of the abstract as follows using the following headers:
  13. Background and significance: Describe the problem/situation and rationale for the need for improvement (Include baseline measures if applicable, i.e. CLABSI rate of X% over the past X months) b. Research question or aim of the project c. Methods/Approach - Describe the approach/interventions/methods used to address the problem/situation described.

To submit abstract or for questions or further information please contact or send a submission to Dr. Susan Smith@