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Follow-up regarding Senate Bill 1492

Posted about 2 months ago by Vicky Stone-Gale

Thank you to all who made the time to call or email our Senators about Senate Bill (SB) 1492. Unfortunately, Florida's Senate approved this SB 1492 and the House approved the bill, HB 433.  SB 1492 bill will prohibit local governments from determining workplace heat standards that go beyond those requested by federal law. Practically speaking, the bill will strip cities and counties of the ability to require water breaks and time to rest in the shade throughout the day for outdoor workers. Under this bill, businesses are to follow general rules set by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). OSHA does recognize extreme heat as a work hazard BUT it has not yet issued any specific federal rules to protect workers from dangerously high temperatures. Let's hope Governor DeSantis will veto SB 1492, otherwise, it would take effect July 1, 2024. 
Thank you all for your attention to this important subject.