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Action Alert for Climate bill

Posted 25 days ago by Vicky Stone-Gale

On Wednesday morning the one week time clock started for Governor DeSantis to sign or veto the heat illness ordinance preemption bill, HB 433, that FCCA has been working to stop this legislative season. This bill would prevent any localities in Florida from passing measures to prevent heat illness in outdoor workers, even though there are no state or national protections in place. 
Because of the delay in the bill being sent to the Governor’s desk, we have one last chance to send our message to Tallahasse - HB 433 should not go into law.  Please click the link below to ask Governor DeSantis to save lives by vetoing HB 433. 

Updated Action Alert Asking for a VETO

Every action matters, so please take one minute to sign and, if you can, share with another Floridian. 


The FCCA Advocacy Committee