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Farm Bill

Posted 3 months ago by Vicky Stone-Gale

Dear FNPN Members,
The Farm Bill – which is reauthorized every 5 years - is nearing a vote - in two weeks. 

Nutrition programs and conservation efforts are critically important in feeding families across the country. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program supports 12.5% of the US population (an estimated 41.2 million people, including 15 million children and over 1.2 million veterans). Programs like SNAP feed low-income Americans and foster healthier diets.
 Last month, 81 medical societies and health organizations joined the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health in issuing a letter that calls on Congress to prioritize nutrition and conservation in the farm policy discussions.
 You can send a message to your Member of Congress through this VoterVoice action alert. 
And we also hope you will send a message via social media. 

 Florida has two Members of Congress on the Agriculture committee and they would benefit from hearing from health professionals like You!

For Cong. Darren Soto

@RepDarrenSoto: Thank you for supporting farm policy that prioritizes affordable, nutritious food and ensures clean air and water. We know that both are essential to protecting the health of all Americans. #HealthyFarms

@ RepDarrenSoto: As health professionals, we know that nutrition and clean air and water are vital to the well-being of our patients. Both must be prioritized in upcoming farm policy discussions to ensure a healthier future for all Americans. #HealthyFarms

For Cong. Kat Cammack

@RepKatCammack: Protecting our food supply and farmland is critical for our health and the planet. Nutrition and conservation programs must be prioritized in upcoming farm policy discussions. #HealthyFarms

@RepKatCammack: All Americans deserve access to affordable, nutritious food and a healthy environment. Both must be prioritized and protected in upcoming farm policy discussions. #HealthyFarms

Please let us know ( if you have any questions. Thank you for all of your efforts.
 Many thanks,
The FNPN Climate Change SOS Committee

Carol Lindsey, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, FAANP

Co-Chair, FNPN SOS, Climate Change Committee