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FNPN Elections-nominations deadline November 30th

Posted over 12 years ago by Regina Pommer

Good Afternoon,

It is time once again to begin the election process for the Florida Nurse Practitioner Network. This year, our First Vice President in charge of Legislative Affairs, Secretary and Membership Chair positions will be nominated and voted on.

We will be in need of several volunteers to assist as the election committee nominations and elections this year. If you are interested in becoming more involved (and we really need folks to get involved), please contact our Executive Assistant at to let us know of your interests.

For those that may wish to run, the positions of VP and Secretary Positions hold the following responsibilities:

First Vice President-Elected for a two year term in Odd numbered years. First Vice President shall 

  • Assume the Duties of the president should the president be absent or unable to serve
  • Assume other duties as assigned by the president
  • Oversee Health Policy, media and public relations for the FNPN

Secretary- Elected for a two year term in Odd numbered years. The secretary shall:

  • Keep a record of all proceedings from all the minutes of the Board of directors and general membership meetings.
  • Ensure that the Board of Directors and members are notified of elections and appointments.
  • Ensure that all meetings of Board of Directors are sent.
  • Correspond with other organizations and assume other duties as assigned by the president.

Membership Chair- Elected for a two year term in Odd numbered years. The membership chair shall:

  • Oversee demographic database of members
  • Maintain list of group members of officers and contacts of importance to FNPN members
  • Oversee membership drives
  • Report status of membership to Board of Directors quarterly
  • Oversee members needs surveys as directed by the President