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TV Station Interviews Nurse Practitioner Jim Quinlin today in Williston

Posted about 10 years ago by Jean Aertker

Gainesville TV Station Interviews Jim Quilin, ARNP at his own practice in Williston.  Jim started his pediatric practice 11 years ago after retiring as a Peds NP from the USAF. This has been his dream to have a pedicatic practice in a rural area serving people who had no other resources. Jim has been to Tallhassee with the FNPN legislative team twice to attend the committeee meetings and give testimony. We are working hard to let consumers and colleagues know this bill must move forward to help Floridians find accessible, quality healthcare that NPs are known to give. But we have opponets who will try to give inaccurate inforamtion. Please make the effort to help us pass this bill. This benefits all NPs, and all need to be engaged now. If you have questions or not sure what you can do, we are here to NETWORK with all!! GREAT JOB, JIM!

FLORIDA - A new bill has the potential to give more independence to nurse practitioners - but opponents say they don't have the training. Jim Quinlin is a nurse practitioner in Williston who built this pediatric clinic from the ground up. But he must have a physician on staff with him. The new bill would give him independence, but opponents say that nurse practitioners don't have the training.

Dr. Glen Finney, neurologist: "this legislation will put this ability in the hands of people who have not been trained to do that. I think that it is very dangerous for patients, and I think it puts our wonderful nurses in the state of Florida in a very uncomfortable position. If they have the ability but not the training will they be under undue pressure to take on more and more roles than they're prepared for."

The bill has passed the house committee and the next step is approval from the full Florida house. Reporter: Kyla Ryan