Outstanding News! I write as a fellow member of FNPN to say all who read this, need to know that every time you sign a prescription, a medical form, a handicap parking permit, a physical exam, a sports exam, and do any other kind of medical procedure where FNPN has removed barriers for you, it’s because of the hard work of our lobbying team headed by Allison Carvajal since 2006. We may not have reached the goal line for FPA yet, but she’s the main one who watches over your practice & mine in Tallahassee. She has the connections to stop bad bills and is the legislators go to person in Tally. No one else can touch her record for promoting and protecting nurse practitioners in Tallahassee! Thanks Allison!
Dr. Wendy Paracka is a successful business owner who struck out on her own in 2003 in Tarpon Springs. Her practice is primary care and occ health. She is an alumni of USF College of Nursing, and a fellow at AANP. We’re fortunate to have her as the treasurer of FNPN-one who has a keen business mind to ensure our success and the future of the NP Network for us all! Congratulations to you both!
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Outstanding News! I write as a fellow member of FNPN to say all who read this, need to know that every time you sign a prescription, a medical form, a handicap parking permit, a physical exam, a sports exam, and do any other kind of medical procedure where FNPN has removed barriers for you, it’s because of the hard work of our lobbying team headed by Allison Carvajal since 2006. We may not have reached the goal line for FPA yet, but she’s the main one who watches over your practice & mine in Tallahassee. She has the connections to stop bad bills and is the legislators go to person in Tally. No one else can touch her record for promoting and protecting nurse practitioners in Tallahassee! Thanks Allison!
Dr. Wendy Paracka is a successful business owner who struck out on her own in 2003 in Tarpon Springs. Her practice is primary care and occ health. She is an alumni of USF College of Nursing, and a fellow at AANP. We’re fortunate to have her as the treasurer of FNPN-one who has a keen business mind to ensure our success and the future of the NP Network for us all! Congratulations to you both!
Thank you for all you've done and continue to do
We can’t thank enough these outstanding leaders for removing barriers and advocating for nurse practitioners
Amazing attributions. Thank you for your perseverance, dedication, and humility.
congratulations I’m sure you work very hard and are very deserving.
Thank you for you dedication and passion for advocating for NPs. Congratulations, we wouldn't be where we are today without you!
Thank you for your continued dedication to advocate for our profession, and continued guidance to all of us !!
So grateful for your tireless pursuit opening doors for our Floridian patients access to care provided by nurse practitioners.
Great news to see two excellent professionals be recognized for all they do!
Congratulation, so grateful for all your hard work!
Congrats to both! We are very lucky to have such wonderful NP advocates!
Thank you Wendy and Allison for your service and perseverance.
Congratulations Wendy and Allison!! Thank you for all you do for the APNs in Florida.
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